If you wear conventional dentures, you’ve undoubtedly had the experience of biting, chewing, sneezing, talking, or laughing and having your dentures slip out of place. This can be very frustrating and embarrassing to say the least.
Although dentures have come a long way over the years, they definitely aren’t perfect, even when they’re brand-new! These days at Brooks Dental, you can take advantage of advancements in dentistry that make your dentures more comfortable and more retentive than ever before.
More Problems with Traditional Dentures

People that are new to dentures have to get used to the denture covering the roof of their mouth. This can be a nuisance for several reasons. Your palate helps your mouth gauge the temperature of foods and drinks before you ingest them. It acts like a warning system so that you won’t swallow liquids that are too hot for your throat. When the palate is covered by a denture, you are more likely to damage sensitive throat tissues. The palate also helps you fully taste your food, so covering it up with a traditional denture can impact your ability to truly enjoy what you eat. An extra layer of material on the palate can also affect your speech when wearing dentures.
Mini Implants, Big Benefits

Fortunately, there’s a simple alternative — mini implants. Placing mini implants into the jaws is a non-invasive procedure. They are small in diameter, and they have ball bearings that are designed to snap right into your dentures, enabling you to eat corn on the cob, steak, and other foods you probably thought you had to give up. You won’t have to worry any longer about slipping and sliding around of your dentures. Mini implants also allow us to remove the material from the palate, which makes for more comfortable eating and speaking. Mini implants can be placed in both jaws to accommodate both upper and lower dentures.
Are you ready to discuss mini implants to enhance your traditional denture? Contact our team and schedule a consultation today! We can answer your questions, examine your smile, and see if you are a good candidate for this life-changing treatment.

July Birthdays

We also want to take this chance to celebrate our July birthdays! Mary, our clinical team leader, Kim, our business team leader, and Debby, our assistant and front desk receptionist, all had birthdays in July. We are so grateful to have these incredible people as part of our team!