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5 Serious Health Problems Your Dentist in East Boston Might Find

January 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tnt_admin @ 4:12 am

5 serious health problems your dentist in East Boston might find.Did you know that your mouth is actually a window to your overall health and well being? Believe it or not, there are many health concerns that your dentist can detect in early stages, which gives you an opportunity for effective treatment early on. Your trusted team at Brooks Dental is your partner in optimum oral health, and here are 5 serious health problems your dentist in East Boston might find during your routine checkup.

Heart Disease

The bacteria that causes periodontal (gum) disease has also been linked with cardiovascular (heart) disease. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, or appear red and swollen, these are early indicators of gum disease in East Boston. This phase is called gingivitis, and can often be managed with a thorough professional cleaning and improvements to your home care routine. Being proactive about your oral health means also being proactive about your heart health.

Oral Cancer

Your dentist is often able to detect and see lesions that indicate oral cancer much earlier than you can. We can monitor suspicious discolorations in your tissue and even biopsy lesions if necessary. You have the best chance at a successful recovery from oral cancer if it’s detected in its earliest stages.

Acid Reflux

Did you know that acid reflux could sometimes occur without the obvious symptoms such as heartburn? If your dentist notices tooth erosion, especially on your lower teeth, acid reflux could be the culprit. Gastric acid not only eats away your tooth enamel, it can also lead to more serious health concerns such as respiratory issues and oral cancer.


Diabetes has also been linked with gum disease, and may be detected with some early oral indicators such as chronic bad breath, or dry mouth. These warning signs should not be ignored and you should contact your physician to run a glucose test. Diabetes can be more successfully managed the earlier it’s detected.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, can affect young people, and it’s often related with those who suffer from TMJ, or temporomandibular joint issues. Patients with this condition often experience jaw pain, and may even have trouble opening their jaw. Your dentist may notice swelling of your jaw.

Contact Brooks Dental

At Brooks Dental, our team is here to help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health for lifetime. This also means helping you sustain your overall health. Routine cleanings and checkups are your best defense against these health concerns and we encourage you to contact us to schedule your next appointment.